Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 15, 2011


On Saturday, many friends and family stopped by to visit Easton Hospital Room 528.  
4 Generations- Emily, Mike, Emily's Oma Eva, Emily's Uroma Inge

We can only hope our little Emily will follow in her Aunt Nancy's footsteps.

Uncle Dave and Aunt Helen stopped by before the Steelers game!

Jeffrey peaked in the room and caught a glimpse of Emily.  When the nurse said he could come in, Jeffrey got out his Nintendo DS.  Mike asked if he'd like to see Emily.  Jeffrey, focused on his video game, looked up briefly and said, "Nah, I already saw her" and continued his game.

Uncle Matt shares one of his favorite books with Emily.

The Millers were so happy to greet their new niece.

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