Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, January 14, 2011

TA DAH!!!!

Emily Noel Bellfy made her grand entrance into the world tonight at 8:08pm weighing 7lb. 8oz. and stretching 20.5" long.  Emily was named after her Big Pop-Pop Emil Sabo.  Emily was blessed with Big Pop-Pop's hands...we're almost certain that she was practicing her wrist expander exercises in the womb.  She is very alert and loves to play with her hands.  She has many of her daddy's traits including her full head of dark hair!

Proud Daddy

Pop Pop's 1st Grandchild.  Emily has Pop Pop's eyes and hair.

Grandpa Boop holding his little TinkerBell

Granny Janny was there from the start.  Grandma Boop was one of the first people Emily met.

On our first night together, Mommy read Emily a bedtime story "On the Night You Were Born," a gift from Aunt Val.  

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