Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Week 35

On Thursday, we went in for what we thought was our last ultrasound.  No worries!  Baby Bellfy looks very healthy and weighed in at approximately 5lbs. 10oz. which is exactly at the 50th percentile.  She has been practicing her "breathing" as her diaphragm moves up and down.  She definitely has been practicing.  Earlier this week, she had a case of the hiccups (after Mommy ate a late night snack of homemade chocolate chip cookies and milk! ).

Baby Bellfy was camera shy once again, covering her face with her arm, but we did catch a glimpse of her new hairstyle and her tiny toes.  To make sure she continues to grow on target, we will venture again to see Dr. Sarno in three weeks.  As the docter left, he reminded us that we would see him in a couple of weeks...."MAYBE!"

Punk Rocker?  Baby Bellfy sports a Mohawk!

Our Little Lamb's Nursery

The very talented Crazy Aunt Mel finished little lamb paintings in Baby Bellfy's nursery this week!  They are so cute and each lamb is very unique and special.  The Bible verse from Isaiah 40:11, "God Keep This Little Lamb Close to His Heart," is painted above her crib with a painting of Mommy, Daddy, and Baby Lamb.
Mel and Her Masterpiece!

Let's Go Fly a Kite

Above Changing Station "I got caught!"

Chasing Butterflies

Crazy Aunt Mel

Above Rocker "Mommy and Daddy"

Three's Company peaking from Window

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Christmas Revue 2010 at Country Gate

 Baby Bellfy's Last Performance in the Womb was a big Success!  Daddy B played guitar, sang, and was Mommy's Santa Baby! 

Santa Baby---Hurry Down the Chimney Tonight!

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the HOUSE!

"He had a round belly, that shook like a bowl full of jelly!"

Tierney & Daddy B

Saturday, November 27, 2010

So Much to be Thankful For...

What a surprise ~ Baby shower at Flynn's with friends and family.  I was tricked into believing we were going to Aunt Nancy's for Thanksgiving leftovers. 

Cutting the Cake with Oma Bellfy

Baby Bellfy's friends- Theo and Erin with their Grandmas JoAnn and Eileen

Friday, October 22, 2010

3rd Trimester

Welcome Baby Theo!!!!  Baby Theo's entrance into the world marked a milestone in my pregnancy...the 3rd Trimester.  Beth, Katie, and I are exactly a trimester apart.  Only a couple months left Baby Bellfy! 
We marked this celebration with a trip to Caso Toro and our tradition photo of all three babies!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Jekyll and Hyde

Our Country Gate Family!

This is Baby Bellfy's 1st musical and stage appearance!  She did a great job and became a part of the choreography!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

IT'S A GIRL!!! 20 Week Ultrasound

Our Precious Little Girl

Yawn!!! I'm sleepy!

Hamburger or Hot Dog?  That is how the technician identified Baby Bellfy's gender.  Hamburger it is!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

McGuire Pool Party

There are three in this photo- Baby Wechtler, Baby Erin, and Baby Bellfy!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010